SELECT ``("justfunctions", "eu")
version: 2 models: - name: country_distinct columns: - name: service_country - name: official_name - name: alpha_2
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION `your_project_id.your_dataset_id.generate_dbt_yml_schema`(`project_id` string, `dataset_id` string)
RETURNS string AS ((with columns as (
select '- name: ' || column_name || '' as column_statement,
from `your_project_id.your_dataset_id`.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS
tables as (
select table_name,
" - name: " || table_name || "\n" ||
" columns:\n" ||
string_agg(' ' || column_statement, "\n") as yml_file
from columns
group by table_name
order by table_name
"version: 2\n" ||
"\n" ||
"models:\n" ||
string_agg(yml_file, "\n") as yml_file
from tables)
OPTIONS ( description = '''Generates a DBT schema.yml using the information_schema of the generated tables for the specified <project_id> and <dataset_id>. For this function to work you need to create your own function in your dataset.''')
SQL User Defined Function (SQL UDF)
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