Category | Channel |
Data Science | StatQuest |
Data Science | Sentdex |
Programming | Caleb Curry |
System Design | ByteByteGo |
Algorithms | Gaurav Sen |
Data Science | Nicholas Renotte |
Data Science | Thu Vu data analytics |
Data Science | Normalized Nerd |
Statistics | BrandonFoltz |
New Technologies | Brillibits |
New Technologies | Two Minute Papers |
Math | 3Blue1Brown |
Category | Title |
Data Science | Hands-on Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and TensorFlow – (2019, Aurelien Geron) |
Data Science | The Hundred-Page Machine Learning Book – (2019, Andriy Burkov) |
Data Science Theory | Probabilistic Machine Learning: An Introduction – (2022, Kevin Murphy) |
Data Science | Approaching (Almost) Any Machine Learning Problem – (2020, Abhishek Thakur) |
Visualization | Storytelling with Data – (2015, Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic) |
Statistics | Naked Statistics: Stripping the Dread from the Data – (2014, Charles Wheelan) |
Data Science | The Master Algorithm: How the Quest for the Ultimate Learning Machine will Remake |
Category | Title |
Data Science | |
Category | Name | Description |
Relational Databases | nocodb | Spreadsheet interface for databases. |
Relational Databases | data-diff | Detect differences in values between any two database tables. |
ETL | airbyte | Syncs data from APIs & databases to data warehouses and lakes. |
ETL | dbt | Testing and deployment of the data transformation process in any database. |
ETL | airflow | Schedule and orchestrate data pipelines or workflows. |
Dashboards | streamlit | Create and share beautiful, custom web apps for machine learning and data science. |
Postgres | pg_cron | Cronjobs directly from Postgres. |
Dashboards | supersets | A modern, enterprise-ready business intelligence web application. |
ETL Pipeline | mage_ai | One solution for Extract, Transform, Load. |
Dashboards | metabase | SQL based business intelligence web application. |
Hyperparameter Optimization | optuna | Hyperparameter optimization. |