


Category Channel
Data Science StatQuest
Data Science Sentdex
Programming Caleb Curry
System Design ByteByteGo
Algorithms Gaurav Sen
Data Science Nicholas Renotte
Data Science Thu Vu data analytics
Data Science Normalized Nerd
Statistics BrandonFoltz
New Technologies Brillibits
New Technologies Two Minute Papers
Math 3Blue1Brown


Category Title
Data Science Hands-on Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and TensorFlow – (2019, Aurelien Geron)
Data Science The Hundred-Page Machine Learning Book – (2019, Andriy Burkov)
Data Science Theory Probabilistic Machine Learning: An Introduction – (2022, Kevin Murphy)
Data Science Approaching (Almost) Any Machine Learning Problem – (2020, Abhishek Thakur)
Visualization Storytelling with Data – (2015, Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic)
Statistics Naked Statistics: Stripping the Dread from the Data – (2014, Charles Wheelan)
Data Science The Master Algorithm: How the Quest for the Ultimate Learning Machine will Remake


Category Title
Data Science

Open Source

Category Name Description
Relational Databases nocodb Spreadsheet interface for databases.
Relational Databases data-diff Detect differences in values between any two database tables.
ETL airbyte Syncs data from APIs & databases to data warehouses and lakes.
ETL dbt Testing and deployment of the data transformation process in any database.
ETL airflow Schedule and orchestrate data pipelines or workflows.
Dashboards streamlit Create and share beautiful, custom web apps for machine learning and data science.
Postgres pg_cron Cronjobs directly from Postgres.
Dashboards supersets A modern, enterprise-ready business intelligence web application.
ETL Pipeline mage_ai One solution for Extract, Transform, Load.
Dashboards metabase SQL based business intelligence web application.
Hyperparameter Optimization optuna Hyperparameter optimization.